Annual Fees Adjustment (Notification ) < Back


We would like give our gratitude to you for supporting to Wing Chun Union throughout the years. Due to the rising cost of different aspects in the society, starts from April 1, 2015, Wing Chun Union would increase the membership fees slightly in order to maintain the high quality service to our members. The detail as follows,


Hong Kong Wing Chun Union

Individual membership fee: from HK$ 240 to HK$ 300, duration of three years;

World Wing Chun Union

Individual Membership fee: from US$ 30 to US$ 40, duration of three years.


This provision is applied to all new applicants and renewal members starting from April 1, 2015. If your membership has not been expired, you would wait until the expiry date and pay the new fee as mentioned.


For any inquiry, please feel free to contact us.